SL 8453303 Precision Train Throttle AC, DC or DCC input and DC output cables for Automatic Shuttle Train Control

SL 8453303 Precision Train Throttle with AC,DC or DCC 10 foot black micro input power cable and 3 inch red and black output power cables. the SL 8453303 shuttle throttle is hidden inside the LGB bumper included with the LGB 10345 Shuttle Train Automatic Circuit Box (click here to view).
Price: $16.95 NEW
Easy install - Works with the LGB 10345 Shuttle Train Automatic Circuit Box or the PIKO 35030 Analog Reversing Unit
- Low Cost
- The ONLY efficient way to power from either analog and DCC (AC) power
- Cool operation
- Up to 94% efficient
- Built in speed control
- Adjustable Regulated Output
- Power from an unregulated or variable (analog track) input voltage or DCC track power or AC voltage up to 30Volts.
- Power Motors, Locos, Trolleys and Accessories
- Fast, easy and fool-proof
- 25 turn adjustable pot allows speed control of motors or locos
- Short Circuit Protection with auto restart on removal of short circuit
- Easy hookup
- 1 year warranty
- AC, DC, DCC Power Input:
- Connect DC, AC or DCC power to the IN~ (AC) input
- Connect DC power to the DC input for even greater efficiency.
- Input: 0-30 volts DC, AC or DCC
- Output: Adjustable 1.2 - 30 Volts (1.5 volts less than input), 3 Amps, 15 Watts Max
- Efficiency: up to 94% efficient
- Protection:
- Short Circuit
- Over Temperature
- Micro Size: 43L X 20W X H 14mm
Instructions and precautions:
- Never connect input to more than one power source.
- Never connect a power source to the output.
- Clean the surface with an alcohol wipe prior to using the 3M adhesive pad
- Provide adequate ventilation when powering over 2 amps or 10 watts of load
- Not a toy; keep out of the reach of children, can cause choking due to the small size.
How does it work?
All Shourt Line Precision Throttles and LED controllers feature a DC to DC converter operating at high frequency to efficient convert input power to any desired voltage lower than the input voltage. It stays cool because of the micro size high frequency inductor and provides fully regulated output voltage regardless of variations in input voltage. Large capacitor provide stable output voltage.
Run a loco, tram or trolley via an LGB, PIKO or Massoth shuttle auto-reverse module using the SL 8453303 Precision Train Throttle to set the speed and power from any source up to 30 volts!
Click above to watch the video
Overview of Shuttle Sets for G Scale
LGB Shuttle
The LGB 10234 shuttle set comes with the LGB 50160 Track power wires, 2ea 150mm reversing tracks and an LGB 10310 un-lighted bumper for mounting and hiding the shuttle electronics.
We rate this shuttle set a BEST BUY

Click here for details on the LGB 10234 shuttle train automatic circuit box
DIY - for Do It Yourself installation we include a FREE SL-8452403 Precision Train Throttle and a FREE full wave bridge with the LGB 10234 Shuttle train automatic circuit box set that requries soldering and wiring..

SL-8452403 Precision Train Throttle is included with the LGB 10234 Shuttle train automatic circuit box set
If you don't want to solder, we recommend using our SL 8453303
Precision Train Throttle (shown below) for a fast and easy solderless installation
The SL 8453303 Precision Train Throttle & LED controller uses AC,DC or DCC
0-30 volts
and has a precision output voltage (speed) control from 1.2 to input
voltage less
1.5 volts
and comes with a full wave
rectifier + 3M mounting pad +10 ft.
black input &
3 inch red/black output cables
PIKO Shuttle
The PIKO 35030 Analog Reversing Unit does come with 2 slip on isolation rail connectors and two track sensor clamps but does not come with the LGB 10310 un-lighted bumper for hiding the electronics.
The PIKO 35030 Analog Reversing Unit

The PIKO 35030 Analog Reversing Unit shown wired to a Shourt Line SL-8552403 Weatherproof throttle & SL-PS-15V1A Power supply provides everything you need for quick and
solderless installation.
Massoth Shuttle
The Massoth 8431001 Analog Reversing Unit is only a circuit board and two isolated track clamps but does not come with the Isolation Tracks or the LGB 10310 un-lighted bumper for hiding the electronics. It does require solding skills and wire for making track connections.
The Massoth 8431001 Analog Reversing Circuit Board

The Massoth 8431001 Auto-Reverse board and 2 isolated track connectors
Click here for a PDF of all the Shourt Line Precision Throttle/LED controller products
Click Here For a PDF with complete application notes and set-up instructions

Simply your model railroad wiring with the Shourt LIne Precision Throttle and LED Controller
Questions? Email by clicking here
Thanks for looking - Shourt Line by Soft Works Ltd.
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